Friday, 25 July 2008

Modeling aint what it used to be..

Now this dude makes extra money from modelling? He must work for this catalouge and this is a cost saving tip!

We all have a chance of walking down the catwalk in Milan!

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Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Fashion tips for 2009

What we have here is the classic/futuristic look of shorts, shoes and vintage socks combined together to give a look of playfulness, yet professional (see handheld device). I expect this look to go far!

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Monday, 21 July 2008

As predicted - Dean Alexandrou in a new Prem advert

If you check a couple of posts back I predicted a friend of mine would probably be featuring in a video like this.

Anyway, it went and happened.

Check out Dean's other work on youtube and see if you can spot Colindale Mcds!