So i had this idea around February time, it was meant to drop for the 14th but I've only juss got around to doing it, well, I been busy what can i say?
Last night I needed a new bottle of juice for the palace so I popped to the retail emporium for said juice. I fancied some brandy but I didn't realise that stuff is pretty expensive and I'm only gonna wee it out so I opted for some cheap vodka. None of that paint stripper £6 stuff, Red Square. Some of you will be aware of the brand. I matched it up with some cranberry juice as I don't really deal with carbonated beverages and took it home and set the mood.
Dropped some vodka in my 19p mug from Asda and filled the rest up with cranberry. Drew for the Serato laptop (that's not the portable one, not the media one nor the main one or even the one that doesn't even have an application yet), the closed back headphones and got to work.
The concept of the mix goes out to the guys really. We have all been done over by a chick(s) in our lives and this CD is equivalent to going out with the lads getting drunk and pulling a lagoon creature. We have ALL been there. So yeah, there is a few soft moments on here, (yes we do have feelings and emotions girls, we just dont want to talk about them 24/7!) but mainly its misogynistic in all its glory.
So ima give you a peek at the track listing, no download available for this because that would be file sharing and that aint me but if you mail/message me ill hook you up.
artist - title - album if you want to go itunes it
(((Disclaimer at bottom)))
1. Harmonic 313 - Music Substitute System - When Machines Exceed Human Intelligence
2. Mayer Hawthorne - I Wish It Would Rain - Maybe So, Maybe No 12"
3. Madvillain - Fancy Clown Feat. Viktor Vaughn - Madvillainy
4. Jaylib - Nowadayz - Champion Sound
5. Nino Moschella - Better Off - The Fix
6. Jaylib - Go Away - Jaylib Outtakes
7. Jeru The Damaja - Not The Average - Wrath Of The Math
8. Dr. Dooom - Bitch Gets No Love - First Come, First Served
9. Slum Village - I Don't Know - Fantastic Vol.1
10. Necro - The 12 King Pimp Commandments - Gory Days
11. Rustie - Soapy Tits - Beatnicks Vol.1
12. Count Bass D - No More Arguing - Robbed Without A Pistol
13. Homeboy Sandman - My Nuts (Limited Edition) - DJ BabeyDrew Presents: Homeboy Sandman "There Is No Spoon"
14. Heralds of Change - Asswank - Puzzels
15. Elmore Judd - Bitter Gnome - Angel Sound
16. Kenna - Say Goodbye To Love - Make Sure They See My Face
17. Elmore Judd - You Said You Were Different - Angel Sound
18. Newham Generals - Bell Dem Slags - Generally Speaking
19. Ty - L.O.V.E. (No Matter What) - Closer
20. Hey Willpower - Hundredaire - Puppy Love
21. Jamie Lidell - Where D'You Go - Jim
22. Dorian Concept - The Fucking Formula - When Planets Explode
(girls, DO NOT make judgments on me by the contents of this mix CD. Its juss a concept thats been on my mind for a while. And remember, all those love songs that guys sing.... ARE FAKE. THIS IS WHAT MEN REALLY THINK!!)))